contact me
The answers to the questions below will help me work through the strategy and, as a result, increase your advertising results.
Your name
Your mobile
Your email
Enter the link to the companys website or social networks
Your special offer (current promotions/discounts that we can run right now in advertising)
Describe the service/good. All the important information for the customer about your product.
Who are your customers? (Age; marital status/income level; Country and city where to advertise; Gender; Interests)
What pains, problems, fears do you solve? Why come to you?
What were the results of previous ad campaigns cost per application/customer value?
What result from advertising campaigns do you want to get the cost per application / cost per customer?
Do you have an e-mail or phone database of your customers?
How do you see your customers journey from advertising to selling a product/service? (from advertising went to the site - made a purchase; from advertising went to the account - signed up - bought)
How will you assess the quality of my work? What results do you expect?
Is it possible to increase the advertising budget within a month, subject to positive results?
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